By anonymous - 30/07/2014 02:36 - United States - Williamsburg

Today, I was at the beach with a group of friends, including the guy I like. As soon as we got to the beach, I ran toward the water and he chased after me. It was a beautiful moment until I looked back at him, tripped, fell on my face and slid down the beach. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 025
You deserved it 7 471

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, at least you didn't rip your swimsuit as well. Could have been worse ;)

It's okay, just tell him you became too excited to feel the sand between your toes and wanted it all over your body.


Rosebush10 8

Honestly that was kinda a wasted first comment.

And that matters because? Man commenters on this site are so judgemental

Yes it does matter. We (fml commentators) don't want to read nonsense on fml.

Well, at least you didn't rip your swimsuit as well. Could have been worse ;)

True true. Life can still be a beach sometimes though.

MissStephanie 10

I remember my bottoms fell off in the lake and my crush went and rescued my bikini. While my girlfriends surrounded me in the water. I hope he didn't look up from underwater.

If he didn't, it's probably because he's also crushing on a guy.

Well then, I guess it is okay because I wax. Wait...I feel more embarrassed now.

It's okay, just tell him you became too excited to feel the sand between your toes and wanted it all over your body.

That sounds like a really weird fetish. Considering that I've heard of vomit and blood fetishes though, a sand one actually seems possible.

#17 what makes your comment even more disturbing is your profile picture.

I'm sure the both of you will be able to think back and laugh at that moment in a while (: don't worry!

I hope they have this on camera, I can so picture this in slow motion. It sounds like a perfect romantic comedy.

I'm not a guy but I'd imagine he enjoyed helping you up

I'm a guy and I approve of your imagination.

If he was chasing after you, it means something, uh? If he is a nice guy he will understand, but probably laugh first. :-P

Could happen to anyone. Shake it off, laugh, and carry on. He might think it's cute how you recover from the trip.

#8 I can't help but notice how you're talking as if OP could do as you suggested after it already happened. :P

Ya do the bend and snap move... That will turn things around real quick

OP may well be still on the ground waiting for our suggestions about how to deal with the situation #19

I have to be that guy... In moderation it said 15 ft on my face down the beach.... And honestly if it was 15ft I would have given you an award for skimboarding with your face.