By MoxleyCrue - 17/08/2015 07:34 - United States - Pittsburgh

Today, I was attacked by a duck. I thought I was higher on the food chain than that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 671
You deserved it 3 908

MoxleyCrue tells us more.

OP here. I was eating in its general proximity. That's what I was doing. Eating things it wanted.

Top comments

CliffyB03 28

Then he waddled away. Waddle waddle waddle. Till the very next day.

Were you annoying it? Not sure if ydi or not


metreman 19

oh-man op you know what you should have done you should have duck gets ready for the tomatoes.

I have no idea what you're trying to say...

It's okay op once I got attacked by a goldfish

Ducks are vicious, like geese. I avoid at all costs if possible.

At work I get chased by geese. Bloody geese

Did you accuse it of fowl play and then duck out of the fight? I'm so sorry.

I was attacked when I was 8... Totally feel you

You ARE higher up the food chain. And the duck doesn't want to get eaten.

Ducks can really be very fierce, that's why here our police station have police ducks, besides police dogs

Want to borrow my black lab? I assure you, you will not have a problem with this or any duck again.