By Sleep Deprived - 25/12/2011 05:27 - United States

Today, I was awoken by my wife, once again. It seems that whenever I stop snoring, she thinks I died so she has to wake me to make sure I'm still living. She does this almost every night, every hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 191
You deserved it 3 803

Same thing different taste


Would be so bad if she woke you up with a handjob? I'm here to help make the best out of a tiresome situation.

Lmfao!! Then you'd know she REALLY cared! :D Merry Christmas btw! Or seasons greetings....whatever. :)

See a doctor. If he gives you the all clear, and she keeps doing it, make her sleep on the couch. Good god. I would have smothered her after the first day. Dx

When I was younger I could hear my dad from across the house snoring every night. I would sometimes have to go check his breathing because he would stop snoring and I would be scared he wasn't ok. But I always thought to listen for the breathing and not just wake him up. Maybe you can talk your wife into paying attention before rushing to wake you.

OP, you might not know this but you sound like a cat with a hairball flying out of both ends while you snore. You're asleep and this heinous sound is followed by silence, scaring your wife into an insomnia induced frenzy that will never end unless you go see a doctor. You're loved. Be happy.

birds_fml 7

I bet you stop breathing when you stop snoring. That's about how often people stop breathing when they have sleep apnea... every hour. You should see a doctor.

I know how she feels. F Her L for caring so much she can't sleep!

bugmefmlnotnow 7

I wake my gf sometimes because of this. Just a light tap here or there to see if she moves then she's back to sleep.

Im pretty sure I've read this fml before

To be fair, when you sleep you do sometimes look quite dead ;)