By monty - 09/03/2009 02:53 - United States

Today, I was babysitting for my mom's coworkers two little boys. they went to bed around 9 and I was watching a movie on HBO. I fell asleep before the movie was over. I woke up to the parents walking into the house. I looked at the TV, and porn was on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 339
You deserved it 13 406

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL!!!! I laughed so hard reading this fml. Now everybody in the train is looking at me.

It could have been worse. You could have woken up with the kid sitting next to you and him be watching the ****, when the parents walked in.


LOL!!!! I laughed so hard reading this fml. Now everybody in the train is looking at me.

wintamint101 7

ouch...wonder what their reactions were

mackenzieex3 0

that's happened to me so many times! just I was in my room..alone. xD

That's embarrassing and funny, but how'd you get Internet?

Lennes 12

lol Hope they realize you weren't actually watching that, and they let you babysit again!

yeah thats awkward guess ur not getting rehired for that baby sitting gig lol @1 holy crap u get wifi on the train where do u live (i want that) *jealous*

Mace2040 1


snowcapt 9

It's not just 3G, there's also 4G, LTE, and lots of stuff like that. They're all different levels of connection.

It could have been worse. You could have woken up with the kid sitting next to you and him be watching the ****, when the parents walked in.

That happened to me!!!!!!!!! Except it was my parents that came into my room when I fell asleep and thought I was watching ****. :(

goodthingidgaf 0

That's happened to me too, except it was gay male erotica and I went to church with the people.

@4 I live in the Netherlands. Wifi is available in every place here, even in the train.

That's awsome! Let me just learn Nederlands and/or Low Saxon and/or Frysk and/or Limburgish... and I'm on my way to squat your WIFI. I love the culture and the languages spoken in your contry. =)

Sleeping on the job? Great duty of care there chump.

Wow, I can't believe it took 9 people for someone to finally say what a shitty babysitter he was. Maybe you shouldn't have been sleeping there guy, I think they call that instant karma :D

haille_fml 0

dont assume so fast. I babysit about six different families children. most of the time the kids will go to sleep at abt 8 or 9, and the parents won't be home until 2am. What else are you supposed to do? I've always slept if it got too late an I've never gotten a complaint or been asked to stay awake.

Ummm.... what do you think the parents do once the kids are asleep? I'm a heavy sleeper and can sleep through there crying so I set an alarm for every twenty minutes... I'd hate to babysit late nights for you...

What about when you babysit over night, or for several days if the parents go out of town? Do you just stay awake the whole time? No. There are some cases when sleeping at a babysitting job is okay.