By WTF - 15/10/2015 04:43 - United States - Bloomington

Today, I was dumped by my girlfriend because she wanted to be with a man who has an income and a stable career. We are seniors in college and I accepted a really good job offer which I start once I graduate, which she knows about. She dumped me for a drug dealer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 014
You deserved it 2 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why are you complaining about? You'll have a good job, money and a girl who will be better than this one (better be single now than after).

rieebee 23


FalloutScrolls 25

Getting dumped by someone who's likely a junkie... Probably not the worst thing that could happen.

Logic: Choosing a drug dealer Why are you even sad, OP? You dodged a bullet bigger than Bullet Bill.

You dodged the gold digger bullet. A really dumb gold digger bullet

Don't worry you'll find someone way better op

thatonetribute 31

Maybe he's a really successful drug dealer?

Honestly sounds like you could do better anyways

Perfect scenario, are you insane? I get being in loooove or she was extra tight. Come on man you just got a free pass from a gold digging *****. Honk at her when your driving your 300k car when she sees you grab your stupid hot chicks head and put it in your lap and flip her the middle finger. She is going to look like a reused condom. Cracked out of her mind and begging for cash. Lol hell maybe you can even hire her to blow the office during you party before you become a partner in the huge law firm. **** her hang tough drink a beer and pick your dam head up

you are lucky. leave it a few weeks then call the cops the dumb b**h will probably be involved too by then. You want some real fun pretend to be supportive and then sleep with her sister/friend/mother.