By Anonymous - 09/11/2012 18:28 - Argentina - Villa Sarmiento

Today, I was giving my son a driving lesson. He blatantly ran a red light, so I told him to pull over to let me drive us home. As I walked over to the driver-side door, he instead locked me out and drove off by himself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 961
You deserved it 7 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alexhaz64 4

Well looks like he won't be allowed to take the car anymore!


Are you the same idiot that asked if stars are man made?take the keys!

BunchieRules 31

That reference doesn't really work, because OP is a man. Also, I understand that he would have been wise to take the keys, but let's think about the real idiot here: OP, who was trying to teach his son an important life skill, or OP's son, who intentionally ran a red light and drove away without him... in his dad's car. I'm sure OP didn't expect his son to be stupid enough to attempt that.

Time to look into his eyes and scream, " NO SOUP FOR YOU"

LappDance 16

That probably wasn't the best time to quote Seinfeld.

yessy729 0

I'm guessing that is also his last lesson

loserboii 11

You must have made the most blank face ever.

jessughka 10

Little bastard. I really hope you don't let him drive anytime soon.

He doesn't need you, he can learn all of his driving skills from Car Theft Auto.

I say take the keys when not looking and drive it in to the nearest yet biggest body of water and don't forget to destroy the evidence

Llama_Face89 33

Why would OP drive his own car into a lake..?

olpally 32

Ricky bobby? Lol. Nice troll son ya got there.

Kick his ass off the insurance. That'll teach the little prick.

brackattack 4

I seriously doubt kicking him off insurance keeps him from driving if he is stupid enough to run an obvious red light