By blahbags - 06/04/2009 13:39 - United Kingdom

Today, I was going on holiday. As I was checking in my bags, I said to the really cute steward, "I think I'm overweight." He told me about discounts for customers of 'larger proportions.' I was talking about my suitcase being overweight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 901
You deserved it 17 806

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maxson_fml 0

"Today, I was working. I was checking in a girl's bags, and she said that she thought she was overweight. Trying to do my job, I said as politely as I could that we have discounts for customers of larger proportions. She was talking about her bags, not herself. FML"

Easy fix: "I think MY BAG is overweight." No misinterpretation if you add the noun of the thing you were talking about. Otherwise I'd have said the same thing to you since you used the 'I am' Think you deserve both a FML and YDI


Tucatz 0

Apparently it's not the suitcase. Nor is it likely that it's those pants.

Pff, at least there are some discounts you could get! Take the discount money and head down to McDonalds :B

hey don't feel bad i really don't think he thought you were overweight, and maybe that's why when you told him that, he probably didn't know what to say (cause its wierd having a stranger tell you they're overweight) and decided to make the situation seem a little better for you! so cheep up =)

Easy fix: "I think MY BAG is overweight." No misinterpretation if you add the noun of the thing you were talking about. Otherwise I'd have said the same thing to you since you used the 'I am' Think you deserve both a FML and YDI

andy_fml_fml 0

why are you writing this if your on vacation :) go tan :) hhahha but that suckss.

You deserved it for packing so much that you actually thought your luggage overweight and still taking everything.

maxson_fml 0

"Today, I was working. I was checking in a girl's bags, and she said that she thought she was overweight. Trying to do my job, I said as politely as I could that we have discounts for customers of larger proportions. She was talking about her bags, not herself. FML"

explosionsgob00m 0

Wait, fat people get discounts on flying? That's not fair! Surely due to the added weight and possible extra seat needed they should pay more than everyone else, not less?

Flutist 3

Uh, for two seats and not just one. They have discounts for that sort of thing.