By -1 friend - 17/05/2013 21:16 - United States - Freeport

Today, I was in a big Skype chat, which somehow turned into a heated argument. My friend lost it, typed "your stupid" and called me a "looser." When I pointed out the irony of his messages, he rage-quit, drove all the way to my house, and punched me in the face at the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 317
You deserved it 14 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When people are losing an argument all they do is correct the other person's grammar. Tsk tsk.

Next time don't answer your door when someone with a big temper is banging it down.


You only deserved it cuz you didn't throw the first punch

Hack his computer... download gay ****...

Why down votes? No one remembers when Stewie saw Bewitched for the first time?

Eloras_Mom 0

LOSER is how its spelled. Looser describes an overused hooker.

Ghosto 16

I think it's op's turn to go punch you in the face...

cmb8280 24

Some people just can't handle their own stupidity...

Ill give you loser, but who really bothers with apostrophes unless its formal.

whatth3h3ck 13

Wow!!!!!!!! One heated argument

So basically the friend in the post rage quit, but in real life. That is a sign that he's been on the internet WAY too long...