By omfgnooo - 09/09/2011 23:22 - United States

Today, I was masturbating while chewing gum. Halfway into the session, the gum flew down my throat, causing me to violently choke. My mom had to rush in and help me while I still had my pants around my ankles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 854
You deserved it 54 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

clearly we know deep throat isn't a talent of yours.

Nuahavizu 17

And here i thought that WALKING and chewing gum was tough :P


YDI for chewing gum while masterbating, dumbass.

meintx2001 1

Sounds like the little head had revenge on it's lil mind. Mwahahah.

pittpsu75 0

At least you didn't blow your load right before she walked in. That really would have been awkward.

leadman1989 15

I don't think this should be on FML. Dear penthouse... lol FYL.

leadman1989 15

That must have been a slippery situation.

lilseskie 2

I completely agree, poor OP could have been left to die due to his father laughing his ass off because his son cant get laid.