By Anonymous - 02/03/2011 21:26 - United States

Today, I was out skating with a guy I really like. I put on my best moves, to impress him. I ended up slicing his lip open with my skate mid-jump. His lip is now wired shut by twelve stitches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 896
You deserved it 36 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

as an EX figure skater. why the hell was his face that close to your blade.

memo619 0

I'm pretty sure you impressed him he never saw it coming


If OP is a girl I reck good on you and he should respect your courage and attitude.

12 stiches???? why was he standing so close/ why didn't he move?

Better question. How in the hell did you get high enough to slice his lip without somebody seeing that coming? Bravo on talent by the way. Quite impressive.

Wtf you practicing for the x games or something?

you're an idiot, if the guy likes you, you wouldn't have to do all this

"You wanna know how I got these scars?" Lol op, why the hell would you try to impress him by doing something you aren't experienced with?! Its called use of common sense..

kantalita_claire 14

Hey, at least you made an impression