By Kate - 07/06/2011 07:50 - United States

Today, I was reading a crappy "How to spice up your marriage" book with my husband for laughs. One of the ideas was for the guy to whip his knob out, stand behind his girl and say "Can you say that into the microphone?" Now he does it every chance he gets, and I fall for it EVERY TIME. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 654
You deserved it 44 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Smack it a few times and say, "Is this thing on?" That'll stop him. Unless he's into S S S S, M M M.

HahaYDI 0

Sounds like a win-win situation to me.


lmao thats awesome, i gota give that a try

Idonebeenhad 17
fthku 13

*Mandatory "how would you know?" reply to #33*

This is the greatest Intimacy FML in the history of this site. You and your husband are legendary OP.

IphonFML 6

well 59 its obvious... hes asian

alliewillie 22

Bet if you bit the microphone, it would never happen again...

HahaYDI 0

Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

You should say "testing testing, sorry the microphone is too small

Or the husband should now say sweetly "It's not going to suck itself"

wazoolol123 7

OP, don't complain! Just give his "microphone" what it needs, then ask him for a favor in return.

kipdjordy 0

He should ask whos the boss then when you turn around punch you in the face and yell TONY DANZA.

dudeitsdanny 9

Hahahaha. Well, it's your fault you keep falling for it, but he sounds awesome. Laugh it up, OP. it'll be funny until you stop buying it.

haha nice! i agree, hopefully she'll realize what's really going to happen lol. nice of you though to not bash OP! :)

sassypants93 17

Maybe you should talk loud enough so that you wouldn't need his conveniently kept microphone.

fatalkiss 0
Bdubwv87 0

Well you're nice aren't you. And I didn't die (obviously), I just had a lot of revision to be done. But rest assured that's all over soon. ;p

The book did what it supposed to do didn't it?

perdix 29

Smack it a few times and say, "Is this thing on?" That'll stop him. Unless he's into S S S S, M M M.

MellisaTatum 6
fieldhockyluva24 4

It's SSS & MMM. but still funny

gotta love perdix, hilariously witty, punny and intelligent ^-^ havent seen you in awhile mate ^-^