By AgentRarity - 18/06/2014 16:48

Today, I was reading butthurt comments about how girl gamers can easily get dates and find love by simply existing. I'm a "girl gamer" who hasn't even found a date, let alone love. I've been looking since I was sixteen. I'm now 27. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 714
You deserved it 7 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can do it!! Don't give up! You are the bomb!!!

at least you know getting married on skyrim doesn't count


catmsgt87 3

Sooooo wanna go out sometime?

Well give me a go and let's find out.

Chewiebhz 15

When they say gamer girls I suppose they mean the non fat non ugly ones... But luck op. Join a gym maybe?

Sometimes it's better to look outside the gaming area. A gamer boyfriend who prioritizes games over you isn't all too fun. As a girl gamer myself, sometimes the amount of flirting I get can be overwhelming anyways. Makes me wish I was invisible in a game for a day.

This is mean but I think it goes unsaid that they mean "attractive" girl gamers.

tehdarkness 21

Most gamer girls I've met have been disgusting, smelly, overweight slobs. Not saying you are, but it's equality as it's finest.

Maybe instead of sitting on your butt playing video games you can improve your appearance. Don't put a controller in your hands and expect guys to throw themselves at you.