By Noname - 16/03/2009 04:05 - United States

Today, I was rejected from the University of Washington. My dad has been a professor there for 30 years, and is on the board of admissions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 439 384
You deserved it 103 639

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vonstrangle 0

That must be equally embarrassing for him.

Obviously you assumed you could just get in because your daddy works there and probably didn't try to do well in high school. Your loss.


Honestly though, most admissions directors give you lots of kudos for parent alums. That's pretty f'd up. is this a FMY? Try a little harder and stop relying on your dad. If you're going to university, you're old enough to start making your own connections.

SittingInTheSky 6


andy_l 14

You spelled "this" incorrectly.

No, they didn't. They were saying "diss" (I think it's two s's) meaning to insult someone.

alphatoomega 21
thebigO_fml 0

not every apple can fall close to the tree~

well, either you were expecting you dad to let you in, in which case I have very little sympathy. But it sounds more like you're just embarrassed. UW is an incredibly competitive school, so it's really nothing to be ashamed of. There are plenty of other universities out there that you can go to.

fair play to your dad. you can always reapply. nepotism=fail

Dude don't worry, your dad isn't allowed to stay in when they come to make their decision about you, it's conflict of interest. So while you may not be in the school, at least your dad doesn't think you aren't worthy! :) Hopefully you get in somewhere else

olduseradmin_fml 0

Its okay, same thing happen to me. Excluding the professor part.

tehninja 0

Well hopefully my grades were better than yours. *is still waiting to hear back*

UW is getting more picky these days. There's always Western. It's easier to get in to, and is a good school.