By thegrandchawhee - 29/08/2015 17:13 - United States - Yakima

Today, I was scheduled to fill in at the customer service counter where I work. Today was also the day that I allegedly accused a customer of being a thief, sold her a fraudulent money order, and will be sued for defamation of character. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 043
You deserved it 1 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah McAmerica, land of bullshit lawsuits.

Look on the bright side, they wont ask you to fill in again. Oh and you have that awesome lawsuit to look forward to as well ;-)


Look on the bright side, they wont ask you to fill in again. Oh and you have that awesome lawsuit to look forward to as well ;-)

We're going to need a follow-up please

Ah McAmerica, land of bullshit lawsuits.

IAmzephyr 22

the plaintiff has the burden of proof, and if they are unable to prove their case, they will lose, being stuck with the court costs. is It perfect? no, but at least it's fair.

How about this. If she's suing you anywhere other than small claims court, you sue her first. She is defaming you too, and it will only cost a small amount of money. You will then have a judgment against her that will carry over to her case. If she IS taking you to small claims court, then let her pay the fees. Just a thought.

joshsegel 4

Defamation of character is normally for someone ruining someone's reputation referring to business, which could affect the amount of money they make, which I can see as being bullshit in some cases like this but it isn't always.

Well assuming you did none of that, meaning there is no proof, I think you'll eventually get off fine. Good luck to you.

gotta love crazy people. hopefully your company video tapes or audio tapes conversations.

If it is all allegation tell her good luck. It's very difficult to win a defamation case. No worries OP!

actually in most cases the winner of a court case will make the other pay all legal fees.

DMA0712 22

As long as you have a good lawyer, I think you'll be all good. Good luck OP.

Some days aren't worth getting out of bed for. Sorry, OP and good luck!