By LiveGuard - 28/03/2012 05:30 - United States

Today, I was taking a lifeguard certification test. I nearly drowned halfway through. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 851
You deserved it 22 318

Same thing different taste


perdix 29

Did you look good in the video of you running on the beach in your swimsuit in slow motion? That's the important part.

Rookie school is hard unless you are in swim.

It's hard but I did it and I never learned how to float:p

muffinXmonster 12

Good news is you passed the what not to do section. Bad news is you failed the rest.

cierraashlee 5

And when you are one day an awesome lifeguard, people will tell this story about you, and appreciate/look up to your determination more than any of the other lifeguards. The kid who couldn't swim and now swims and saves people like a hero. Congrats on finding one of your most rewarding challenges.

Michael_92 20

You might want to try for a different job. If you can't save yourself how can you save others?

Maybe you should learn how to swim before you jump into a pool and try and save people's lives.