By unlucky_vee_13 - 23/02/2009 22:02 - United States

Today, I was talking to my 81-year-old widowed grandmother on the phone, and she told me she was giving up sex for lent. Not only do I now have a vision of my grandma having sex, I am reminded that she is having more sex than me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 228
You deserved it 5 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unlucky_vee_13 0

we're pretty close...but that's just TMI!

she is probably just senile and is speaking of an earlier time. some elderly live in their childhood/young adulthood and still see things they saw when they here young/


unlucky_vee_13 0

we're pretty close...but that's just TMI!

AlyKinks35 21

lol yes it is especially coming from your grandmother.

seriously? no one needs to read this. like #4 said, TMI!

she is probably just senile and is speaking of an earlier time. some elderly live in their childhood/young adulthood and still see things they saw when they here young/

katcri 0

You guys are stupid. #4 is the person who wrote the thing.

awefjio 0
holynemesis1208 3

no body can out beat the kid who's sister is a lesbian.

mizled 0

Unlucky_Vee_13 = 13 year old virgin? If so then I hate to say, WAY too young for sex. So I'm glad you're 81 year old grandmother is having more sex than you. If it's any consolaion I probably am too. xD