By Confused - 13/05/2013 14:39 - United States - Bath

Today, I was told I would not be getting the job I was offered because I failed my drug test. They never gave me a drug test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 621
You deserved it 3 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments


theangryone11 5

I would get their statement on record. Then mention that you never took the drug test. Tell them you either want to actually take the test, or get the job. If they say no, tell them you will sue otherwise because they outright lied to you about it. You will end up with the job trust me but you have to assert yourself and not be a pushover

you don't need to be working for that company

Why don't you just tell them there was a mix up then?

Maybe you were on drugs and so you don't remember the test. Eh eh?

BeautifulChaos27 37

At least where I work, failing to take a drug test is the same thing as if you were to fail it. Probably the same for OP.