By EOJ - 10/02/2009 17:07 - United States

Today, I was walking my son to school. After yelling at him for not looking where he's walking, I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to me. Not paying attention, I walked him right into a light pole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 922
You deserved it 55 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

examancer 0

Let the kid out of your kung-fu grip from time to time. They will make their own mistakes and get hurt... its part of life... let them live it. However, definitely pound the "look both ways" thing into his head and make sure he does it. Getting hurt doesn't need to mean dying.

mikeyellenlee 0

I feel bad for your kid. My parents were giant hypocrites, too.


hubbabubbba 0

ugh, always take the buss. u can party!!!!!

Your child deserves a big apology and some ice cream, you didn't mean to I'm guessing- still, i'd want some ice cream and an apology if my parents walked me into a pole.

well OP at least your kid is in pole position for your attention

Wow I hope he had a good laugh then :p