By hwscrewed - 10/11/2010 04:00 - United States

Today, I was writing my narrative essay for my English class. When I turned it in, I was really proud of what I thought I wrote. Evidently for some people listening to music while writing essays is a bad thing. My essay was filled with little bits of ZZ Top lyrics. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 364
You deserved it 34 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Iv'e done that, Except I was at work writing down an order. The guy was ordering "sticky fingers", while his buddies suggested I just call him an asshole. (For some random reason) The result was one order of "Sticky Ass".


lenalee96 22

ooh, I've done that before. it sucked.

oh not me. I could never listen to music while I did homework. Too distracting.

rallets 22

"rumors spreading that texas town..bout that shack outside la grange... ...shes got legs... ... cause every girls crazy bout a sharp dressed man"

TurboTalon 0

They have some DIRTY lyrics.. I wonder what OP used...

Same,but with the song. F**k The World by Insane Clown Posse...I got suspended for that. Then I did it once more but with a song I was writing...turns out teachers don't like. "You will burn in a burning car explosion,I will laugh,you will cry,I will live,you will die." Haha. Life is great!:)

of course he is, he listens to insane clown posse that makes he automatically cool.

You didn't read it over when you were done?

ceinaworus 0

awhawahawhawhahwhahw, drives every girl crazy bout a sharp dressed man!!!

A sentence isn't really supposed to start with "And". "And" is a conjunction, and therefore makes no sense at the start, so there shouldn't have been one there. "." then capitalize "This".

ispitflames 3

thank you for letting us know, i will now pass english with this knowledge.

It's perfectly acceptable to begin a sentence with a conjunction like and or but. FYI, periods and commas go inside quotation marks. OP deserves it for listening to ZZ Top. Good god.

ispitflames 3

Actually, If you're female, periods go inside the quotation marks.

stfuyssb 0
Tikwichka 5

Pendatik, surely you mean British :p

Agree with #3 and thank you for that pendatik. I've always wondered.

Well then you would also love to know that following a period should be a space. Ie: "they're going to kill me....oh no." Is incorrect. Try "they're going to kill me... Oh no." I learned that in first grade =/

xkittykatx 0
hatepineapple 14

@37, the "wrong end of the stick" phrase originated from times before toilet paper, where outhouses had a stick with a sponge attached to the end, soaking in salt water. Guess which end was the wrong one.

GrosMichelBanana 1

What exactly did your comment achieve? I'm pretty anal about grammar, but really? That was just stupid.

Ninjasaurus18 9

Technically you're not supposed to start a sentence with a conjunction, but most people don't follow that rule anymore.

NotYourOrdinary7 6
pwnman 33

You didn't even proof read your FML. You just fail at English regardless.

ispitflames 3

its not a bro FYL major FYL it's not that big of a deal

ispitflames 3
gusgus36 5
dudeitsdanny 9

How do you even do that? I understand a couple phrases that you catch, but you're just an idiot.

You look like Casey from the Ninja Turtles :D lol

olivesd23 0
dudeitsdanny 9
kemeko 0

oh yes!..didn't I already comment this?._.