By TeamVomit - 27/08/2017 23:15

Today, I went over to my boyfriend's house to surprise him and caught him with another girl. As my boyfriend got up to explain himself, I, in a state of shock, violently threw up on him (and partially her). His mum had let me in the house. At least I know whose side she's on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 882
You deserved it 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow.. so sorry... at least his mother knows what an ass he is! delighted you threw up on them.. they deserved every bit of it! chin up you deserve better!

SteelSoul5 9


SteelSoul5 9

Wow.. so sorry... at least his mother knows what an ass he is! delighted you threw up on them.. they deserved every bit of it! chin up you deserve better!

ExplainingTheOtherside 8

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That's why the fml said: "....caught him with another girl!" As in, he's cheating. Duh!

Donut_Wizard 23

Some call it gross, I call it a defense mechanism.

Breaking up via text message is sounding better all the time.

tarabella 7

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I could be wrong, but I think OP referring to the other girl, as in the mother is supportive of the girl her (ex?) boyfriend is cheating on her with, not the son himself.

That's not true. I've dated assholes and abusive partners, and their mothers loved me so much, they warned me to break up with their sons because they knew how horrible they were.

Mungolikecandy 19

A mother who knows their child is doing wrong does not always support them. If anything it is sometimes an attempt to get the child back on the correct path.

Well, given that the mother kind of DID take OP's side, your question is a bit redundant. And no parent worth a shit will let their kid get away with being a morally bankrupt asshole. That's why it's called "parenting."

thatslifeiguess7 16

What were they doing? Sitting in his bed or what? Better question who has to clean the vomit?

No. They were *******. That's the whole point of the fml. For ****'s sake. How dumb can you people be?

Wait, whose side do you think she's on? Because it could be either one

I think your response was valid and I hope this memory will put a dent in their sex life.

Wow, I'm so sorry hst happened to you. I hate cheaters with a passion, I've been cheated on & it's really heart breaking. I'm glad that his mom was on your side though.

I meant the word that not hst. My phones been acting up. Ugh.