By journeytotheend - 14/07/2012 06:55 - Canada - Surrey

Today, I went to city hall to pay for a parking ticket. After returning to my truck, I found a parking ticket on my window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 240
You deserved it 28 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seems like someone needs to learn how to park in the right places.

HonestTruth 5

If you can take a look at my avatar, that would be face if that happened to me.


Seems like someone needs to learn how to park in the right places.

I know right, I can see an endless loop of parking tickets in the not so distant future.

I feel like this is the 6th fml on this site that is worded almost exactly like this one. But that's just me maybe I'm just rereading the same one over and over lol

What's the saying? Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame On me; fool me thrice... Lol maybe thats just for people but it works :)

The upside is OP can just turn his ass around and go pay the ticket lol

Have you tried parking in appropriate places, where you won't get a ticket?

Perhaps he parked in a spot that had no sign showing that it was illegal to park there. In doing so he thought he was being a good citizen and not someone bad at parking.

citymayer 7

I got a ticket once for parking at the park too long.. Apparently I wasn't using the park facilities. I was just taking advantage of the free parking. I can't even ride my bike in the park anymore!!!! Obviously I'm a little sore about it...

HonestTruth 5

If you can take a look at my avatar, that would be face if that happened to me.

You would think that in this economy one parking ticket would be enough to motivate the OP to ensure they park properly...

Not really because after the 3rd time Op would be called an idiot.

i often wonder how many fml are actually true....

heytrollhey 12

Parking ticket on my windoooooow, now back to city hall (city hall!) another ticket on my truck! and now My wallet's ******.

redmnky21 8

didn't learn your lesson the first time?

I don't know if they do the same thing over there, but ours are in a plastic envelope... take out the new ticket, put another bit of paper in, put under your wiper again in the same place, go pay the new ticket and have fun in city for a bit... you've already been fined, may as well enjoy your priority spot ;p without getting another ticket.

Unless that spot turns into a tow away zone after a certain time.

TheDrifter 23

Here, if enforcement comes by again and a ticket is more than an hour old they tow the vehicle as abandoned in an illegal spot.