By Revelyn - 03/06/2016 22:18 - United States - Compton

Today, I went to get my first acupuncture. The doctor was a cute Korean woman, so I tried to start a conversation. When she pricked me with a needle near the tailbone, I involuntarily let one loose and saw her gag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 135
You deserved it 2 005

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you couldn't help it. If she's an acupuncture doctor I'm sure she's dealt with it before. You'll survive.

As embarrassing as that sounds, I fear the worst is yet to come; you may have a rare condition called sitcom-itus. You've already exhibited an hilariously awkward foiled romantic attempt, so if you notice any of the following, I'd recommend contacting a doctor (or better screenwriter): problems that seem to solve themselves in half an hour, a diverse cast of archetypal friends, or an omnipresent studio audience.


That's embarrassing I'm sorry this happened

Well, that's part of the conversation.

Well, you couldn't help it. If she's an acupuncture doctor I'm sure she's dealt with it before. You'll survive.

The question is whether she could survive with one OP set loose!

andrmac 25

Well it's kinda her fault. She's the one that poked you in the tail bone with an acupuncture needle that caused you to lose control and fart. Maybe she did it intensionally so you'd be embarrassed and stop talking. Never know!

AlittleSanity 11

As embarrassing as that sounds, I fear the worst is yet to come; you may have a rare condition called sitcom-itus. You've already exhibited an hilariously awkward foiled romantic attempt, so if you notice any of the following, I'd recommend contacting a doctor (or better screenwriter): problems that seem to solve themselves in half an hour, a diverse cast of archetypal friends, or an omnipresent studio audience.

I am starting to see you on every FML with medical jokes that consistently get less funny. Seriously, you're trying too hard.

I am starting to see you on every FML with medical jokes that consistently get less funny. Seriously, you're trying too hard.

You're entitled to your opinion, and I'm entitled to wonder why you think I'd give a **** about it.

katachristic 19

#21, what are you talking about, that was hilarious

PePziNL 20

Dont mind #21, he has an enormous needle up his ass.

#21, Jealousy can be a cruel mistress...

This is so fake lol sorry not buying this shit

Well I guess you punctuated that conversation quite horribly.

I tried acupuncture after suffering a fall and messing up my hand. The nerve/muscle spasms kept causing me to unwittingly flip the bird. Thankfully, the acupuncturist thought it as funny as hell.

SegaTortoise 12

you talk about it in past tense.... did the acupuncture work?

I did help somewhat with the tendonitis, yes. It helps with arthritis too, according to my mother.

So you shit yourself. That shows you are comfortable with her. Good for you.

This shit is so ******* fake kill yourself