By Anonymous - 01/04/2016 21:06 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I went to pick up my daughter from my dad's house. He'd shaved her head bald. "For a laugh." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 100
You deserved it 1 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Kick him in the nuts "for a laugh".

While he shouldn't have done that without your consent/her consent (depending on her age), it's not like this is the end of the world. Make sure she knows she's still beautiful no matter what. (Which I'm sure you do anyway)


Successful people say "your hair is a dress you can never take off".. Wrong

I know he shouldn't have done that without your permission, but maybe you can turn this into a learning moment for your daughter if she's old enough. Tell her that it's alright to look and dress however she wants, and if other people don't like it or except her, she will always be beautiful to you. When I was about 14, I shaved my own head while I was at a friends and loved the way it looked. When I showed my mom, she didn't really say anything. But later I heard her yelling at that friends mom for letting me do it. It hurt me, even though she was never directly upset with me. I shave my head every summer, and I love it as much as I did then, but I still hear my mom's voice in the back of my head. Make sure your daughter knows that you aren't angry or it can hurt her later on. Teach her to not listen to other kids, or adults, if they make fun of her. Let her know that what other people think doesn't matter, and as long as she's happy with herself, it's no one else's business.

But it isnt what she wanted was it? Its what her grandfather wanted.

Nair and sunscreen look a lot know, just for laughs.

He is your dad but also a piece of shit

OP, if you have the ability - limit her visits to her grandpa to "supervised visits only". Good caretakers don't do stuff like this

Your dad is an idiot. Shave his head and kicks him in the nuts for a laugh