By Anonymous - 17/05/2012 04:35 - United States

Today, I went to the hair salon. When I got home, my three-year-old daughter told me I looked like Dora the Explorer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 157
You deserved it 5 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Aw! She sounds adorable. I'd take it as a compliment, as was mentioned earlier. (:

Awwww! Come on OP that is cute, and Dora has nice hair, what is the problem?

At least she didn't say you look like boots!

gousafutbol 0

OMG well since every aspect of your body has to be perfect, this is a big deal

Evath 7

That's gorgeous, kids are so adorable, she obviously meant it as a person, Dora is probably her favourite thing!

Evath 7

Meant it as a 'compliment' not person!!

I know how it feels.... I'm 13 and since I got my hair cut short, the only thing my little brother and his friends call me is Dora.

From ages 3-7 I was the spitting image of her