By somuchforthat - 19/02/2010 07:38 - Australia

Today, I woke up and found a small leg of what used to belong to a spider on the corner of my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 699
You deserved it 2 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Spider: Today I was taking a walk, minding my own business, when a heartless giant bit my leg off. FML

euuuuuuurrrrggghhh. i had a friend who had the same experiance. gross. fyl.


LOL @ #10!! My spider senses are tingling /^o^

fallen_dragonkin 12

that is truly awful. as someone with phobia of spiders, i feel for you, it's not pleasant thought.

buttonface 0

Just wait your spidee senses will start tingling ; )

kyliebeatriz08 0
purplemnm 9

lmao @ #34! win for the fight club reference

helka_fml 0

clean your house, that's really gross

Make sure you check you eyeballs for spider eggs for the next few weeks.

did you know a spider is healthier than a mac Donald's hamburger? FYL for eating healthy