By shitface - 25/01/2010 10:18 - Australia

Today, I woke up to my 2-year-old daughter hitting me in the face. She had just pooped her nappy and put her hands down her pants to "feel it squish around." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 557
You deserved it 3 440

Same thing different taste

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This reinforces my belief that children are not sweet, cute and good-smelling but instead nasty, disgusting-smelling carriers of filth.


ecko_7672 0

YDI for not potty training her

****** aye seriously. 2 years old and not potty trained.... you hella deserve it

Tandrael 0
Groaty12 0

Well, u can't be that harsh, shes just a child.

anela_fml 0

ahhhhhh wanna hurl just thinkin bout it

This reinforces my belief that children are not sweet, cute and good-smelling but instead nasty, disgusting-smelling carriers of filth.

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missey_jey 0

i hope this happens to you for saying that

Diashoni 0

#50: Really? You call a TWO YEAR OLD a bitch? I hope to god you don't have children.

lifeislife_fml 0

I hope to god I don't have children.

stewie1744 0
xlostwithoutu 0

Even though Missy_jey annoys the shit outta me I gotta agree with her...

Twi_lover_EC 6

Children will be children. And parents have to deal with that type of stuff. -Poop, pee, puke, ect..-Have fun!