By UltraHoe69 - 06/01/2011 22:57 - United States

Today, in gym class, we were forced to learn the "Hoedown Throwdown" dance, by Miley Cyrus. This will actually be counted toward my grade. I'm in high school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 168
You deserved it 4 402

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alaaloo_fml_fml 0

That's terrible. Just terrible...

KaySL, you ******* pussy!! Don't make me do this by myself, you yellow-bellied coward! *sigh* Fine... Goddammit, mistaked? Really? Are you 4? Does your mommy still wipe your tushy after you go potty? Because you sound like a toddler for ****'s sake.


so this is what the American education system has come to.......

mlee126 0

Pop it, Lock it, Polka dot it Lmfao

Your not alone. They made us do it too and a bunch of other embarrassing dances manditor for and entire quarter for all high school girls. Creepy part is it was one of the male gym teachers ideas and he wante to come watch once we were done learning the steps. now we have to do coopperative team build which requires us to hold hands and play together. I'm a junior last thing I want to be doing is be holding hands ans skipping around with a little freshman.

kss_ga_champ5408 1

you're in high school suck it up. be happy to not be in the real world

I'd just not do it. I sat out half of my gym class and passed cause , no one gives a shot about gym. just don't do it if it's that demoralizing.

SherryPicker 0

WTF that shouldn't be part of your grade because it's not anything your going to use on life I'm honestly glad I dropped out I wouldn't do it and if they give you a zero I would say something like we don't need to learn it cause what is it gonna teach us in life **** that

that sucks in my fitness class all we do is life and play football sometimes bit it's amazing compared to yours

When we did our dance unit we had to do Cotton Eye Joe, Fishing in the Dark, and Boot Scootin Boogie; I would take a Miley Cyrus song over those shitty dances any day. But at least we got to do Thriller for our last dance, so that made it all worth it :)