By Gibs - 17/05/2017 21:00 - Brazil

Today, in my first month at the gym, I was running on the treadmill when my washcloth fell to the floor. Without thinking much, I bent down to get it, lost my balance and took the biggest fall. I no longer have the courage to go there, and I already paid a biannual package. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 476
You deserved it 1 421

Top comments

Druu 53

So you had a little mishap. No need to feel self conscious about it. Go back to the gym and own it! You do you.

YDI not for falling (shit happens) but for having no courage. Just go because tomorrow no one will remember.


Did a treadmill flip because of a stupid shoelace (resp. a stupid person who couldn't tie her shoes properly - yes, that would be me) in front of the big panorama windows. It was spectacular. No one remembers except me. So I say, just go there, and don't do this again. ^^

Sometimes people laugh at you. My friends bought me a walker as a joke because I fall so much. Laugh it up, were all not perfect. Just be awesome(even if it's at falling).

HalfLit 17

Sounds like you'll use any excuse to not go to the gym. Gravity happens. Have some dignity and don't focus on one moment so much.

Oh, for crying out loud. Nobody's going to care that you had a little treadmill mishap. You probably aren't the only person to have an accident while working out. I probably look ridiculous exercising, but I am trying hard not to care. If I'm looking at other people, it's because I'm trying to make sure I'm doing the right moves (if I can't see the instructor). I'm focusing more on my form and oh, this hurts, when do I get to pause for a drink of water?

Stealthninjaa 19

I guarantee no one will recognize you or remember. And even if they do, they won't care. We all look ridiculous when we're at the gym, but we're also all in our own little zones, that's the beauty of it. Get back to the gym!!!

So many supportive comments... I love you guys! As a fellow klutz, I totally feel the embarrassment, but nobody (besides yourself) ever seems to remember. We are our own worst critics!

You've merely lost your balance because you weren't thinking, correct? Was the bi-annual package on impulse as well? It seems thinking or not thinking, you're on the losing end,.. why not instead lose fat and tone up when your wallet and pride has already gone the distance? :D Puff-up those glutes! :D