By Danielle - 10/06/2012 19:19 - Canada - Aldergrove

Today, it's day two of my family's camping trip. Despite the weather, bugs, and portapotties, we were doing okay, until the can opener broke. My husband is stubbornly insisting that we live off cereal and peanut butter for another five days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 127
You deserved it 3 231

Same thing different taste


ugh.... Have u heard about a thing called KNIFE?

How do you have Internet in the middle of the woods?

Why don't you just hike down to the nearest camp site & borrow a can opener?

Grayfoxx 5

You could always try catching your dinner!

JessiKitty_lol 7

Camping, yet using the internet? AND your can opener broke? OH NOES.

Be glad you arnt actually camping, you have portapotties

Should've brought Nutella . Nutella and fruit loops are bomb .!

Exactly, this....OP use your ingenuity: it's a can, not a bank vault.

If worse comes to worst, and you can't figure it out on your own. Type "How to open a can without a can opener" into Google since you seem to be internet connected.

Who the hell eats canned food when you're camping? Freeze dried camping foods are what you need.