By Anonymous - 21/02/2010 19:12 - United States

Today, it was my first day of softball practice. I'm the youngest one on the team by about 2 years, so I wanted to prove I'm just as good as everyone else. Too bad I tripped in the outfield and got hit in the head with a bat. I have a concussion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 140
You deserved it 4 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

REED8116 0

why was there a bat in the outfield

ialwaysscrewup 0

What were you doing with a bat in the outfield?


ialwaysscrewup 0

What were you doing with a bat in the outfield?

japs96 0

this is such bull. how do u get hit with a bat if your in the outfield???

I know exactly how you feel! I played U13 for the first time a few years ago when I was only 10 and I was at least 2 years younger than everyone else. I was always trying so hard to impress them lol FYL OP, but don't sweat, you'll hve plenty of time to make up for it :]

millz2995 0

you should have had your doors locked dumbass ydi

ctgirl12345 0

that sucks. I feel sooo bad =[ =[

REED8116 0

why was there a bat in the outfield

Shady_R 0

That was my first thought. How did a bat end up in the outfield?

she tripped in the outfield AND got hit in the head with a bat. 2 seperate incidents.

baker3410 0

how do you have a concussion and than post this...

Erniesduck123 0

I swear to god, ALL FML's START WITH TODAY! I don't like to use caps, but jeeze. Further, just because they have a concussion doesn't mean they are a brain-dead vegetable. Concussion symptoms vary in intensity and duration from person to person. For some the symptoms of a concussion can be subtle or slow to develop, anywhere from hours to days. I received a hard blow to the back of my head when I fainted and fell backwards onto concrete. I denied medical attention and was able to walk home. It wasn't until 24 hours later, when my head felt like it was going to explode that I sought a doctor and he diagnosed a concussion. Weeks later this person could just have a mild headache from their concussion and be fully capable of typing a quick story on FML.

mckibabe 7

Like someone said above your not paralyzed when you have a concussion.

If these were simultaneous events you seriously fail, because you shouldn't have a bat in the outfield.