By Jay - 06/05/2009 04:52 - United States

Today, my boss asked me to pick up some supplies for a presentation. I entered the store in the middle of an armed robbery, was knocked to the floor, and had my cash, phone and credit cards stolen. When I told my boss the story, she said, "So were you able to get the binder clips?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 445
You deserved it 3 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can't blame him. Binder clips are magical

LilKonvicted 0

Well... were you able to get the binder clips?


Are people seriously believing this story? Its so obviously fake!

Wow ur boss is a douche bag for real after hearing "I walked in a store that was being robbed and they took all my shit" you don't ask if you got the binder clips I would say that's a dumb ? When u just got robbed and knocked n tha head sorry you have a douche bag for a boss!!!

today, I read this to my husband and he completely sided with the boss..what did I marry? FML hahahah, ah sad. Sorry OP, I am siding with you, that is heartless of her! (and my hubby!)

OP was knocked to the floor and robbed, he's shaken up I doubt he wanted to go to another store.

You should have said yes, and binded your boss' lips shut with them. (I'm kidding, I would never actually condone violence but one can imagine, right?)

What the **** is wrong with your boss op. Hope the robbers get caught and you somehow manage to get your stuff back if possible

He seems like and asshole for not caring the fact you got stuck into a armed robbery