By kanmcdan - 22/04/2019 00:00

Today, my boyfriend and I went on a Snowshoeing date. I felt sick and suggested we turn back. He said I could wait in the car and continued on the date alone. He was gone for hours, while I was stuck alone in a national park with no cell reception, food, or water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 516
You deserved it 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

please break up with that ********. you deserved better. that is all. best of luck.


please break up with that ********. you deserved better. that is all. best of luck.

How do you know? She could molest poodles for all you know.

There’s no need for that. He’ll probably dump her for being a stick in the mud.

she was sick. I don't think that qualifies as being a stick in the mud

Should have taken the car home and let him hitch back with his friends. Or at least to some place comfortable if you wanted to wait vs possible car theft charges.

Sounds like you should not have gone in the first place.

tounces7 27

Now you know how much he cares about you. Aka, "Not at all" in case that wasn't clear enough.

I'm so curious what his thought process was! Did he think she was faking to ruin his plans & he was determined to have a good time in spite of it? Imagine being so narcissistic you twist someone else's illness into an attack on you. Or maybe he's got a pathological compulsion to finish what he starts, no matter what. Maybe there's nothing really wrong with him except selfishness. Whatever his deal is, hopefully he's now the ex-BF.