By theamericandream - 25/01/2009 13:07 - United States

Today, my boyfriend asked me to set up his new Mac and transfer all the pictures from his old notebook. Seems like he forgot that when he went on vacation 2 months ago he took pictures of him getting it on with another guy. We've been together for 3 years and just moved in together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 380
You deserved it 2 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think they are a gay couple because the writer states, "sex with another guy." If it were a straight couple, the writer would/should have said, "sex with a guy." They could still be a straight couple...the writer just needs to learn to clarify better.


etherealjoy 0

THATS ******! im so glad i dont have your life!

rayyrayray 0

THAT'S SO ******* HOTT!! Sexyy make it a threesome

I don't agree with #2, when she/he said 'sex with another man' she/he could well be stressing the fact that it's with a man... another as in a man, as he is a man. Anyway, enough Grammar Nazi-ing. If you're a girl... GRRRL, DUMP HIS ASS! If you're a guy... GRRRL, DUMP HIS ASS!

bobmarley16x420 0

I learned today that all mac users homos

Macs all day!!! Dump the gay cheater, though.

bigraws23 0

you are a retard. you did a wonderful job of making this shit up.

I_iz_epic 0

Anyone notice that the OP's nickname is "theamericandream"? I didn't think the American Dream was being a gay cheater O_o