By daughterofanazi - 08/02/2012 05:17 - United States

Today, my boyfriend came over to my parents' house for dinner. My dad made Holocaust jokes the entire time. My boyfriend is Jewish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 750
You deserved it 4 647

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iamray 2

you let him bash on your bf for that long without saying any thing?

Buttsexpirate 9

Now that's just ****** up. Arghh sorry OP.


Buttsexpirate 9

Now that's just ****** up. Arghh sorry OP.

M0rt 0

Anne frankly I dont see what the big deal is

Tell him you won't stand for it any fuhrer.

mattmadden 0
LawSixx 11

I feel sorry for your boyfriend.

iamray 2

you let him bash on your bf for that long without saying any thing?

Your father is an insensitive tool. Who jokes about such a human tragedy?!

alstbv12 13

Seriously. I do nazi what's so funny!

bettyc4 26
loller27 6

what's funny about the holocaust?!

bettyc4 26

It's been past 22years. Just check south park XD

bettyc4 26

I know what the give-away was his nose wasn't it?

Yeah, it's your problem that you've chosen such bf :)))

That comment alone is enough to reserve you a hot seat in hell.

bettyc4 26