By Anonymous - 25/10/2012 09:58 - South Africa - Cape Town

Today, my boyfriend found a take-out menu under my bed. It's probably been there for months. He looked at it and said, "Well, that explains a lot." FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 714
You deserved it 4 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ThePsyche 9

You should put a carton of penis enlargement pills under his bed and when you "find them" look him in the eye and say, "well that explains a lot".


Your choice of words were just about as bad as OP's boyfriend's.

Why is everyone so against "dump him comments" or similar comments. Relationships need a solid foundation of mutual respect and the rude comment op's boyfriend gave her showed a huge lack of respect on his part. If he says things like that, chances are he has little respect for her and that is no good in a relationship. I sure wouldn't put up with belittling comments like that.

Really?! After one comment that you assumed to be derogatory, you would go straight into dump mode? That certainly demonstrates respect toward your partner. People are against the "dump him now" comments because there is absolutely no reason to infer a history of verbal put-downs in this FML.

Lol I'm confused are you fat or a hoarder

Isn't the double standard fascinating? If the writer had been male, the worst he would have gotten would probably be a bunch of jokes about being a bachelor, and perhaps that he needs to learn how to cook. Guys (especially younger men) are practically expected to live on convenience food. But no, since it's a woman with a takeaway menu, she's clearly morbidly obese, and how dare she offend her boyfriend's aesthetic sensibilities by having a physique other than "toothpick." It certainly couldn't be anything sensible, like enjoying the occasional treat,or having friends over, or being too tired to cook on a few nights. And if anyone is actually overweight - so what? That means people can treat you with a complete disregard to human decency? I wonder how many of the FML's screeching "fat!" stick religiously to a healthy diet and attend the gym every day..? Nobody answer that, by the way; long and boring stories about how much so-and-so can bench press will just send us all to sleep.

I wouldn't have had a food menu under my bed. We have a designated area for those things.

#72, you are the worst kind of person. You feel so bad about yourself and your weight (yes, I'm making an assumption here) that you have to make excercise out to be something bad. There's nothing wrong with eating healthy or going to the gym every day. You also seem to think that what people consider healthy is "toothpick"-skinny, but again you're wrong. Being overly skinny is just as unhealthy as being fat, and neither is acceptable.

That last comment was ment to captain black

Don't get so defensive, #141. And read the comment before you start snarling, it's bad for your blood pressure: Exercise is undeniably a good thing; I only wondered if he same people giving an OP a hard time practiced what they preached. If weightlifting/gym is your hobby, great, have fun. If you like jogging, wonderful. If fashion and beauty are your hobbies, go for it. But don't get on people's cases if they don't like them. Equestrianism is my sport - I don't go around sneering at people who are frightened of horses. I just wanted to stall the next 47 comments protesting how much they work out, in case people took me literally. I was simply curious as to why the OP was judged for a menu, when the same people were quite happy to dismiss the BF's attitude. Apparently, eating unhealthy stuff makes you morally wrong. In fact, you just demonstrated this: according to you, the "worst kind of person" is one who is overweight, dislikes exercise and dislikes (alleged) fitness fanatics. Really? OK, sniping at others is not an attractive feature (and if it came across that way, I apologise: see previous paragraph) but that's worse than undermining your partner's confidence? Or cheating on them? Or getting cheap laughs at someone else's humiliation? Look at all the FMLs where people applaud scumbags for doing scummy things, then get on OP's case on the off-chance she's overweight. If someone is rude or malevolent, they can hurt you. If someone's exactly does that affect you at all? BTW - you are correct, underweight is as dangerous as overweight. Hence "toothpick" and not "person who eats sensibly and maintains a healthy and fit figure."

CharresBarkrey 15

Where are your comments intended to go? None of them ever make sense.

Why was it under your bed to begin with is what I'd be interested in knowing.

nightowl713 25

@81 it's obviously under there because it's hiding from the law! I hate it when I get a take out menu with a criminal record!  -- it couldn't possibly be because it was let in her room, and got knocked under the bed, that would just make way to much sense. 

Yup because that's a totally common place to store take-out menus for months at a time.

nightowl713 25

Ok, so enlighten me. I fail to see any deviousness in a take out menu under the bed. What is this conspiracy you are so convinced is taking place?

PhannyPack09 8

This FML is too vague and leaves me guessing for the wrong reasons.

ouch. everyone makes initials assumptions, but it was definitely unnecessary for him to be so blunt about it. if he had a personal concern for your figure, then that was the wrong way of expressing it. hope you didn't let him get away with a remark like OP. anyways, if its chinese take-out i say go all out. i love chinese take-out.

Hello Lisa, hello supernintendo chalmers. I'm learnding.

I am curious as to what you said back at him. Hopefully you kept a clear head until you learned what he had meant. Maybe he hadn't meant to sound like a complete dick but you can never be sure. If that is how he had meant it than my advise to you is dump him and find someone who appreciates you for you. Not exactly for the way you look. If you have a good personality then you can definitely find someone better! Good luck I hope it all works out for you!