By thejanamonster - 30/12/2013 19:48 - United States - Geneva

Today, my boyfriend found an old nude of me on his best friend's PS3. I had no idea this guy existed until we moved in with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 067
You deserved it 10 089

thejanamonster tells us more.

I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years now. The nude was taken and sent to an ex that I thought I could trust before I had even met my boyfriend. The "friend" got it from a friend of his that supplies nudes of girls from the city I moved from. The reason I had no idea who the guy was is because he moved to a different state before I met my boyfriend, but they've been friends for a really long time. My boyfriend took it relatively well and things are perfectly fine between us. Hope this clears up some questions I've seen.

Top comments

This happens to me all the time. My stalker takes nudes of me as I undress in front of the open window, do yoga in the nude, watch TV nude, comment on FML in the nude...


This happens to me all the time. My stalker takes nudes of me as I undress in front of the open window, do yoga in the nude, watch TV nude, comment on FML in the nude...

Wizardo 33

Just tell me you don't operate in the nude or maybe invest in a hospital gown at the minimum.

When operating in the nude it's easier to remember which body part goes where.

StompinOnCrayons 15

Delete your nude and replace it with old lady nudes. He'll never look at a woman the same way again !

Oh, so HE'S the guy that owns Ceiling Cat. And he taught him photography. What a stinker.

raininginseattle 9

Ever think maybe your boyfriend shared your pic with his buddies? And is playing it off now that you found one?

That's what I thought until I reread the fml. It says the boyfriend found the pictures, which conjures an image of him being distraught at the idea of her sending him (the best-friend) nudes.

Ever think maybe the boyfriend sent his friend the pics SO he could "find them" and then use his "distress" as a tool to end the relationship? I've heard of guys doing wackier things than this to break up with a girl.

The Internet is Forever, Criminal Minds Season 5, Episode 22 I hope it's a flattering picture, since it will be out there forever.

ninety 25

Learn something new every day... I had no idea the ps3 could even store photos.

Really?........ what do you think the freaking camera icon is for?

buttcramp 21

could it have been on your bfs computer? If its on the same network you can view pictures and videos from a pc on a ps3