By Walk of Shame - 13/11/2018 22:00

Today, my boyfriend, who is also my boss, was giving me a blowjob at work. Halfway through, his boss knocked on the door and I had to quickly get dressed and slip out the other door. After leaving, I realized that I was still barefoot and I had to walk back to my desk in front of my colleagues. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 458
You deserved it 5 991

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I am more curious as to why you were barefoot.

ohsnapword 21

Ah the old saying still holds true. You gotta give head to get ahead.


ohsnapword 21

Ah the old saying still holds true. You gotta give head to get ahead.

julfunky 29

Well if that were the case then he’s doing it all wrong. The boyfriend was supposed to give head to someone ABOVE his pay grade.

Dirtysalamander1 13

not in this situation. as the boss is the one giving it.

Genius idea to get a little action at work. You were more likely to win that $1.6bn lottery jackpot than you were almost being caught by your boyboss' boss. Totally a freak occurrence for him/her to show up at some point.

I am more curious as to why you were barefoot.

You know how most people store their man kebabs in their pants, yes? Well, obviously this guy's pork sword is so massive that he keeps it in his shoe.

Sounds like an episode of the gay **** sitcom "Who's the Boss?"

manb91uk 22

Are you an avid fap - I mean fan - Mr Pencil?

YDI for dating your boss AND for trying to get action at work. You both should’ve been immediately fired and walked out the door.

Aiden89 23

They say, never mix business with pleasure.

wait... if your boyfriend was giving you a *******, are you gay? if u are a girl you would be giving him a bj

tounces7 27

I think this one is pretty obvious, don't you? I mean, unless he's REALLY driven to succeed at work.

He just needs to proclaim "no ****" before every sexual act

You know, some of us women do also call it getting head and receiving a *******. It's just vernacular. While I'm pretty certain the poster is indeed gay, it really shouldn't matter lmao

Not that I've ever given a ******* to anyone, but I'm pretty sure he took his shoes off so he doesn't fold the leather on his work shoes.

It doesn't explain the socks though. I have no answer for that.

"Was giving me a ******* at work" was all I had to read when I pressed YDI. Keep those acts at home.