By BFH4Life - 30/11/2011 09:27 - United Kingdom

Today, my dad announced to the whole family that we will be having a vegetarian dinner this Christmas to make my step-mum happy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 940
You deserved it 5 745

Same thing different taste

Top comments

amanda_say_whutt 9

My family tried doing that one time. But, I have a car, so when I went to eat a "salad" I ate fried chicken(:

Hubner24 11

I think what the op is trying to get across is not that vegetarian food is gross but the fact that their dad is making the whole family have a vegetarian meal instead of just the step-mom eating a vegetarian meal! I would cook my own meat and put it on my plate just to piss her off!


maegan13 3

vegterian food can be good cook both yall food and her and dad veggie food problem solved i understand why hes doin it but he shouldnt force people to

AngryBlckMan13 2
evaRed 0

I'm not giving up meat for nobody!!

marksman24 0

Im not a vegeterian but some food is good

Go 2 your in laws, if you don't have any say you bought a close friend a gift and need 2 drop if off and get you some burger king!!!

Hide hamburger meat in the stuffing. Problem solved.

He is so loving..not. What idiot doesn't make both non veg and veg food if there is a vegetarian?

People who can actually cook. If you cant make a nice meal without meat, you are just not that good a cook.

what the hellllllllll?! I'd disown dad. don't mess with my ham and turkey!

Awesomeelliot 11