By elisabeth_pwnes - 16/03/2012 10:38 - Norway

Today, my fiancé came home drunk with some girl. Then he told her that I was his sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 275
You deserved it 3 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ifoundalaska 11


olpally 32

Nope... Keep dreaming and read the fml again... Idiot...

OP you really need to comment. It's like a soap drama: The Girl "So who's this?" The BF "Uhh, My sister"

Rooney77 3

He was drunk and didn't know what he was saying, so give him a chance!

Yeah but being drunk isn't an excuse, it's just "ohh i ****** up so i'm going to blame my actions on alcohol"

Being drunk is no excuse for him doing that..

55 - With that logic you could excuse someone for killing a child because he was drunk behind the wheel of a vehicle. Alcohol is NEVER an excuse. If you can't handle it, don't drink it.

Rooney77 3

Killing is not the same as cheating. Besides the fact that he brought his new gf to his house means he was unconscious otherwise he wouldn't bring her

That depends on your point of view. I could say killing is cheating because you are cheating somebody out of their life. In any case, whether or not cheating and killing are the same is not the point I was making. The point I was making is that being unable to hold your beer is not an excuse for doing something stupid. If you think you could reasonably justify cheating on your significant other by saying "Not my fault, I was drunk" then you could justify anything by saying it. Do you see how stupid you're being? Alcohol is not an excuse to do anything. If it makes you act in a despicable manner then you have no business to be indulging in it.

WAT!!! Kill him! Lol but really..wAt a douche...he doesnt deserve u

andrewsgirl2010 7

Wow im sorry OP. All i can tell ya to do is tell him to get out and never talk to you again. That wasnt right at all :(

kiraleann 16

Sounds like somebody's wedding was just cancelled.