By pandapantsMD - 18/04/2015 03:12 - United States - Chesapeake

Today, my fiancé freaked when he noticed the tattoo on my wrist, and demanded to know when I got it. It was two years before we even started dating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 953
You deserved it 2 667

Same thing different taste

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This happens more then I'd think... but tattoos are a reminder of your past and you shouldn't regret them. There was obviously a reason you got it at the time.

True but she never said she regretted it. She just said that her fiancé had never noticed her tattoo, which she got 2 years before they started dating. This doesn't have anything to do with regretting a tattoo.

how did he not notice it until now.... did you guys meet like yesterday...?

candyguurl 9

we can't all be the brightest crayons in the box

It socks that your boyfriend pays so much attention that he missed a TATTOO for two years.

that's what happens when You do it under the blanket

kayj905 15

I'm sure you have a lot of pictures of you and him, so just find one where you can see your wrist.

wtf dies he really pay that little attention to you?