By loser - 01/03/2009 00:22 - United States

Today, my fiancée broke up with me. Via a myspace message. While we were in the same apartment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 368 522
You deserved it 32 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

collegegrrl 0

all time low. what a scumbag.

#11 I realized this too. Fiance is the masculine form of the word, while Fiancee is the feminine form. So if OP was correct in their spelling then the "scumbag pussy douchebag" in this story is actually a woman.


letschat6 5
fmylyre 0

you totally deserved it, for using myspace

darkaqua3498 3

I'm sorry to hear that but that kind of guys rn't for u girl or any girls. I mean come on man up idiot. he's n ass I'm sorry for bad mouthing here

Peaches1616 6

Seriously, o wow. Couldn't even do it to your face. What a bitch!

Peaches1616 6

Why is every other comment saying "he's a jerk"? A man wrote this, obviously the girl is the Jerk.