By FuckLife - 11/02/2012 13:41 - Australia

Today, my friend's kid chased me with a rusty, sharp tent peg and threatened to kill me. When I finally got him to calm down he ran off to his room. Later, I found the tent peg under his pillow with a note that said my name. My friend thinks it's hilarious. I am staying here for a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 461
You deserved it 2 487

Same thing different taste


RoseTintMyWorld 8

Is the kid's name Damien by any chance?

RoseTintMyWorld 8

Whoops, didn't see 14's comment before I posted. My bad.

missalice0306 19

No wonder he's that way. Your friend sucks as a mother.

Um, wtf?? Not only is that kid messed up but whats wrong with the parent?? Seriously o.e

sounds like Jeffrey dahmer Jr needs some help

brianfantana32 10

Tent pegs impalation are the number 67th cause of death in the United States, consider yourself lucky my friend

ThecomingofTan 9

That's just his way of saying he has a crush on you.