By OMFG I LOVE MLP - 24/08/2012 21:00 - Germany - Mainz

Today, my friends set me up on a blind date. I thought it went well, and while saying our goodbyes, I leaned in to give her a kiss. She pulled way, laughed, "I'm not drunk enough for that," and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 930
You deserved it 3 793

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is it just me or does anyone else think kissing on the first date is a little too much too soon? That's just my opinion though.


I always hated that part of dating, to kiss or not.

SmileyKyliKins 4

Aww, I'm sorry OP.. That really sucks.. Next time, try not to kiss on the first date. Third time's the charm is what I always say! :D First dates most people try to play cool even when it's not... There's always a next time though! :D Good luck!

CettinaMarie 4

Guess she wasn't that into you.

etoilenuit 15

Maybe she just means she doesn't kiss on a first date?

perdix 29

No kiss on the first date -> no second date. Yeah, you can hang around in the Friend Zone, but you don't have to bankroll the affair.

carminecris89 13

She's a ****! Sorry op! No one deserves that.

You're trying to kiss somebody on a first date, and a blind date at that?! You deserve it!