By Anonymous - 20/09/2013 21:00 - Hungary - Szeged

Today, my girlfriend came over to visit me and my brother at our apartment. I left for just five minutes to fix us lunch. When I got back, she was making out with my brother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 819
You deserved it 3 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She ended up being more hungry than you thought... ;x

Kick that douche out of your life and also stop talking to your girlfriend


Why would you start making out with your brother's girlfriend when he's making lunch, probably while in the same building too?

Why would you make out with your brother's girlfriend at all?

Maybe she misunderstood when you said that she should cheat on her diet.

I can't see how you're girlfriend can have to nerve to kiss you brother. And in your own apartment. What a shame. You'll find someone better OP.

but also his brother never should have thought about kissing his girlfriend. They're both to blame, equally.

ghil15 8

never know who did the first move, but all i know guys are weak to temptation... how about girls....?!...

Gingerette 8

I'm curious to see if OP pulls a Cain.

TyT63 12

you should've fixed him a.....knuckle sandwich*ill show myself out*

Suprised you didn't mention your 'jimmies' on this FML.

TyT63 12

i dont wanna be known as a troll so I won't mention them anymore

get a new brother? No, but seriously ditch the girl and have a serious talk with your brother. That's just disrespectful.

martin8337 35

Man, talk about keeping in the family. Dump her now.

dat_weird_girl 3

I hope you will find a new girlfriend! And a new brother!

ghil15 8

hahaha i never thought of the idea him finding a new brother!

Dump the girlfriend and take your brother back to the store.