By Anonymous - 26/03/2009 16:36 - United States

Today, my girlfriend came up to me and told me we would never do anything sexual in our relationship. She said I was too adorable to take seriously in bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 137 059
You deserved it 10 546

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In my experience its the adorable ones that make the best lovers. She's missing out.


#5 has it right. I'd say stick with it and show her you're more than just a pretty face :) If she still doesn't for for it, that's her loss and you won't have a problem finding someone else. Maybe she just needs to go through a bod boy phase..... she'll learn that in the end they're not worth it.

if she really likes you, she'll change her mind eventually. but you should talk to her about what exactly she wants and figure out why she appears not to be attracted to you.

berlioz13151411 0

Aaaaaaah, I've been through this one. I fixed it by losing a little baby-pudge, growing out my beard and cutting it into a defined goatee, and styling my hair. And guess what? ^___^

EffYourLyf 0

I'm considered adorable... but they don't ever say that d:

sliimxshady 0

she's not cheating on you. (: lol been there.

breaksprinter_ 0

it could be worse. you could have been too ugly to have sex with. at least you know you're not. ;]

bigcrazymike 6

That's not your gf dude. You're just friends.

nice guys don't get girls, and when they do... they're ugly or like this sucks to be a nice guy. at least you get anonymous pity comments on fml