By Anonymous - 30/07/2016 03:14

Today, my girlfriend dumped me after I told her I was learning how to start having lucid dreams. She was convinced the only reason I could possibly want to have them was so I could cheat on her in my own dreams. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 364
You deserved it 1 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, does it work? How do you have lucid dreams?

Well now you can have three ways with Alexis Texas and Mia Khalifa


Probably for the better if this is true.

Well, does it work? How do you have lucid dreams?

Some people do a meditation or hypnosis session to induce a lucid dream. Other times it just happens spontaneously. You can learn to do reality checks in order to realize when you're dreaming vs when you're awake.

chrisbeaudoin 26

A popular way is to draw a circle in the palm of one of your hands (or elsewhere you can see easily) and if you are not sure if you are in a dream check if the circle is there.

ABlindMan 17

There's all kinds of ways. I've managed to do it a few times by essentially chanting "I'm dreaming" as I fall asleep so when I start dreaming I reminded myself that I was dreaming. Although I've not had dreams that I remember any part of in a long time so I've been unable to.

I've had a few lucid dreams although I've never induced one deliberately. I always fly when it happens.

I had bad recurring nightmares when I was little and my dad told ne to think of him and my mom beating up the bad guy or monster or whatever. So when Id get too scared Id think of my parents then I realized I was capable of conscious thought during dreams and could change them. So I've been able to lucid dream since I was 8. I also have sleep paralysis if I wake up in the middle of the night but because I lucid dream I can make it so it isnt scary until Im able to fully wake up. Minds are so interesting.

the hard part isn't realizing that you're dreaming. that's the easy part. look at clocks or your hands. while dreaming, the brain has a hard time with numbers (the clock will show something weird like 62:40 or your hands will have a wrong amount of fingers.) The hard part is not waking yourself up after you realize you're dreaming. learn to control you're heart rate and lucid dreaming becomes more easy.

Yes and no. What I do is that I will "program my dream" I lay down to go to sleep but intentionally start day dreaming building what I want to dream about. Usually in this state I get to dream what I want but I also know I am dreaming. Other times I just randomly realize I am dreaming but stay asleep. I have been doing this for so many years that while usually people only remember there dreams for a little after waking up I can recall mine weeks and months later.

Well now you can have three ways with Alexis Texas and Mia Khalifa

Once you learn, **** some smoking hot girl in front of her. It won't be real but it will still be sweet

askullnamedbilly 33

Good riddance. If she's THAT insecure, she's shouldn't be in a relationship.

tounces7 27

Well you now have one less boatload of stupid in your life.

And of course the comments are basically agreeing with her, even though there are so many other amazing things you could lucid dream, like flying, or being around wild animals, or telling a shit boss to go **** himself. Hopefully your girlfriend will come to her senses, OP.

Not a single person has a agreed with her.

Being around wild animals? Go outside. It's far easier than lucid dreaming plus you get the bonus of it actually being real.

I meant they were all agreeing in the sense that the only thing they think he'll do is choose to have sex dreams about other women. It's all they mentioned.

Really? Tigers outside on your lawn are they? WILD animals. You know, the ones you can't just go be around in real life because they'll kill you?

God damn right that's what I'd use it for but I'm a perverted bastard... I've been married long enough for my virginity to grow back. Lol

Urpoppy 21

Best to get rid of such an idiot.

OP wasn't the one doing the getting rid of.

TabooSushi 24

Well good riddance to her. You don't need that kind of crazy in your life.