By Anonymous - 14/04/2017 04:00

Today, my girlfriend yelled at me for not showing up to her mother's birthday party. I didn't go because I had to finish a project for work over the weekend. This is the same person who refused to go to my father's funeral because she, "didn't feel like getting dressed up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 700
You deserved it 846

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tartara 15

Now I would have dumped her after the funeral incident. But you didn't, so I doubt you will now. You probably have some excuse to make up for it, like she's the perfect girlfriend in every other way, or you love her. But from the limited 200 character fml you wrote, she sounds like a selfish, unsympathetic, one ticket trip into crazy town that I for one don't have time for. You probably won't, but my two cents is to run. And YDI for not leaving her sooner when she already showed you her colors.


Wow, I'd say it's time to dump her. She's a very self-absorbed spoiled brat.

healthcarechick 9

You need to ditch that crazy bitch!!!!!! She wouldn't go to the funeral bc she didn't want to get dressed up?!?! WTF She is a cold hard psychotic bitch. You can do much better

She "didn't feel like getting dressed up"? That's a pretty shitty reason to not go to the funeral of your boyfriend's father. You had a pretty legitimate reason for not going to her mother's birthday party--you had to work. I'm going to agree with the others here that you need to dump that woman.

I'd break up with her, well actually would have the day of the funeral!

I would not feel bad about anything she had it coming

Dump her. How she is gonna yell at you for not supporting her if she can't do the same?