By Anonymous - 01/08/2013 07:36 - United States - Goodyear

Today, my girlfriend of 3 weeks gave me an ultimatum: marry her, or she kills herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 417
You deserved it 6 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

superman21_fml 19

Who else hates it when you accidentally hit the "you deserve it" button


L0VExoxo 10

Tell her to "have fun in the afterlife"

Epikouros 31

If you want to be nice, buy her a funeral insurance policy.

tj5810 21

Either way, you better make sure you have a clean suit to wear.

crazytwinsmom 25

Ah, Arizona in the summertime! The heat makes people crazy.

Fake your own death and then when Death comes to get your body, have him kill your wife instead. Wait- that sounds oddly familiar...

A little too much time watching "Family Guy", eh? Oh who am I kidding, one can never get too much Family Guy!

alluringtatas 7

What are you wearing to the funeral?

tgabes 9

She needs help. But I don't think it's your problem. Had a ex try that once, he turned up on my doorstep covered in cuts (not deep enough to cause a worry tho) made him sleep on the couch and took him to the mental health team the next day. Think he ended up marrying the girl (he was unaware) who had a crush on him :).