By Anonymous - 13/07/2013 21:39 - United States - Salinas

Today, my girlfriend of over four years cheated on me in revenge for me abandoning our date last night. I'm a surgeon on call at the local hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 828
You deserved it 4 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd cry. What a bitch. She'll regret it when she never finds better.

It's probably best you two split off, OP, unless you two want to try to work things out. Just saying that no one deserves such bad treatment like that. Sorry for what happened!


How did signs of her being a psycho hose beast not show up sooner in the relationship? Not saying YDI but I'm betting that's just an excuse to end the relationship.

EmsyyyRose13 24

Hose beast? I kinda like that.

It's good, at least you didn't marry her. You're going to be better off.

an3ph 20

I can't believe being a surgeon it'll have been the first time you've had to cancel, so she's probably done it before too. :( Leave the bitch.

AboveAll04 14

she's a keeper....NOT ! you're a SURGEON you will definitely find better

Zack6849 8

I really don't see what the fact OP is a surgeon has to do with anything, gu really don't want to date the kind of person who only likes you because you likley make a lot of money.

Zack6849 8

sorry, my previous comment was a trainwreck and as of the time I'm posting this my attempted edits failed, I'll go hide now ._. EDIT: the "gu" was meant to be "you" by the way.

AboveAll04 14

I meant that he is in a great profession not working at a fast food joint....just the fact that he is making good money and he'll find a great girl cause women love doctors lol

So, because he makes good money he must have a wonderful personality, while everyone who works at a fast food joint can't be your ideal partner. Hmm, yeah, full of crap that one. Besides, you're also forgetting that a good-money-surgeon can be called into work at every moment (aka, at your birthday party, in the middle of sex, on a date...), which can/must be terrible frustrating. Still no excuse for cheating, though.

Wow, 50, who pissed in your corn flakes,

AboveAll04 14

50 even if they are on their anniversary , on a date and he gets called in still no reason to cheat ! so whether or not it is frustrating it is irrelevant. and did I ever mention anything about money??? umm no ! I said that the surgeon has a better chance at getting a great woman !

AboveAll04 14

damn I did say shit about money ! :/ **** argument is ****** lol nvm

Djee the fact is that the better job you have, the easier getting a date becomes. We all want security in our lives, the better job and the bigger income provides that.

Sorry OP you clearly deserve better. Cheaters piss me off more than anything, especially when they blame it on something stupid.

I'm surprised you lasted that long with such a selfish child. Consider this a bullet dodged.

KinkyCurly 13

Well give her what she wanted... to be single and leave her butt!