By Anonymous - 24/05/2009 12:43 - United States

Today, my girlfriend's dad asked me if I wanted to drive his 2008 Jaguar XKR. Excitedly, I agreed. He then spent the next hour discussing with me how masturbation is a great alternative to sex, and a great way to remain abstinent. I didn't get to drive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 019
You deserved it 4 856

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't get to drive, he doesn't get to keep his daughter a virgin... seems simple enough

that has always been my greatest nightmare...


wowfmlife 0

that rat bastard! wanna drive my 1969 Camaro to make up for it?

that has always been my greatest nightmare...

You don't get to drive, he doesn't get to keep his daughter a virgin... seems simple enough

fufubunny 0

I agree with #3... it's all about compromise!

Why ********** when his daughter is right there? LOGIC, PEOPLE. Women > Masturbation* *Unless you're masturbating with bacon grease.

It could be the same depending on the size of the girl.

I agree #6, but I think in this case only one woman was on offer....

Wow that sux-but if he didn't keep his part of the deal, u don't have to keep urs.

did he give you a demonstration on masturbating to better illustrate his ideals?

Boff his daughter, then tell him that you decided to "drive the car instead of sitting in the passenger seat."

KwitIt 0

Haha, this is totally something my dad would do. Your girlfriend must be so embarrassed, if you told her.